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时间:2015-05-19 13:22来源:江苏朗阁外语培训中心 作者:allen
2015 年 5 月 9 日考试听力回顾 独立写作题目: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: All the university students should be required to take history courses no matter what fields they study is. 朗阁讲师王艳点评 综合





Do you agree or disagree with the statement: All the university students should be required to take history courses no matter what fields they study is.



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Do you agree or disagree with the statement: All the university students should be required to take history courses no matter what fields they study is.



1. 历史课程会给学生造成更大的学业压力。History courses would put more academic pressure on students. 学生会担忧作业或期末考试。students would worry whether they could finish their homework on time and how they would pass final examinations.举例论证:医学生a medical student(not only obliged to finish his professional papers for credit, but he also needs to find the opportunity to get clinical experience.)

2.造成经济负担A required history course would lead to unnecessary cost for parents and students.因果论证:学校聘请专业教授使支出增加,从而提高学费增加学生负担。colleges have to hire talented and senior history professors and experts,  this would increase the cost of schooling. These costs would be reflected in the tuition fee.

3.结论:强制学生学习历史会对学生造成学业和经济负担。making every college student take a history course would overburdened the students both academically and financially.


1.避免历史的错误。Students could learn to prevent repeating the mistakes of the past.举例论证:避免战争。learn about the cause of the world wars and other bloody battles that claimed the lives of millions.

2.认清现实。Students could also gain a better understanding of current issues by studying historical events. 美国的民主制:studying the American Revolution a student could be enlightened on the current world democracy.

3.结论:History classes should be made compulsory for college students, for the reason that they could be more familiar with the advancement and evolution of human society.


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