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时间:2015-05-27 11:26来源:江苏朗阁外语培训中心 作者:allen
2015 年 5 月 24 日考试写作回顾 独立写作:Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends? A:joining a sports team B:participating in community activities C: traveling 朗阁讲师童非点评 综合写作




独立写作:Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends?

A:joining a sports team

B:participating in community activities

C: traveling



争论著名的Pearl Poet到底是谁


1. John Massey 住在英国西北部,这里是那四首诗出产的地方,并且John Massey和Pearl Poet的笔迹一样。

2. 认为是Hugh,因为他写了关于Garwain的诗歌,而四首著名的手抄诗也是关于Garwain。另外诗歌中都用了大量的alliteration。

3. 四首诗的作者可能不是一个人,因为诗里分别提到了英格兰不同的地区。


1. 那个时候的很多诗歌都是由专业的抄写人员完成的,笔记一样也不能说明问题。

2. Pearl Poet和Hugh在诗里用的方言完全不一样。

3. 不能是几个人,因为四首诗里的用词很相近,不可能不同作者用完全一样的遣词造句。



Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends?

A:joining a sports team

B:participating in community activities

C: traveling

joining a sports team

  1. Joining a sports team where they can share same interests and relax is the easiest way to know each other.

举例论证:参加一项体育运动不仅可以释放压力,而且可以很快的彼此熟悉,通过沟通建立友谊。(build up good relationships with others through the communication)

  1. Additionally, cooperation is always the main essence of a sports team.

因果论证:因为在一项体育运动中,大家要学会团队合作(teamwork),为整个团队贡献而不是你自己(contribute to the whole team instead of just thinking of self),这样的团队合作更容易帮你结交到朋友。

  1. Finally, joining a sport team will provide a long period of time for students to get along with each other.

对比论证:在旅游途中所结交的朋友并不一定是长期的,可能在旅游结束之后就不会联系了。(not keep in touch with others after the traveling)

participating in community activities

  1. Interest is such a powerful and inevitable tool for making new friends that almost every friend of ours shares at least one same interest with us.

举例论证:在图书馆做义工,可以结交到一些同样是喜欢读书的朋友,大家有共同的兴趣爱好,所以来做相同的community activity,兴趣是结交新朋友重要的工具。

  1. All these cooperation activities accelerated the rate at which students develop new friendship with others.

因果论证:现在的很多community activities都会分成几个groups去完成各自的任务,所以在每一个group中都会有cooperation,所以就需要大家彼此的交流沟通从而make new friends。

  1. Although students have to work together and share ideas when they are traveling,there aren't many opportunities for students to have a trip.

对比论证:虽然也可以在旅游中结交新朋友,但是相比于participating in community activities旅游的机会并不是很多。


1. 综合写作和独立写作可以重点看下2011~2013年的机经

2. 独立写作中政府类的话题需要加强

The government should support artists rather than allow them to support themselves.

It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.

The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise the cost of petrol for cars. 


