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时间: 2025-03-11 10:05 来源: 朗阁小编 作者: 朗阁小编

小作文:线 The graph below shows the annual amount(kg) of meat eaten by per person per year in five different countries from 1961 to 2013.


大作文:Many people think modern communication technology is having negative effects on social relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1.本次考试 难度较低


Task 1:线  







In China, a significant growth was evident, as consumption soared from a mere 2 kg in 1961 to a high of 40 kg when it entered 2013, demonstrating the country’s shift towards higher meat intake.

By contrast, UK residents displayed a relatively stable in their consumption of meat. At the beginning, roughly 40 kg of meat was intake and the amount, peaking at 55 kg in 1981, maintained at a similar level in the subsequent years, albeit with a gentle drop to 52 kg in 2013.

3.Task 2 科技类话题


从话题上来说,这属于科技类话题。2024720日考到的题目相近,两道题均考察对于现代技术的依赖,对人的生活/能力造成的影响。由此可见,在备考中,同学们对于典型的、经典的考题还是需要有一定的熟悉。我们的生活中科技无所不在,但要注意本题重点考察到的是communication technology的部分。


从类型上来说,这篇考题属于同意与否类的文章比较适合考场上快速brainstorm的立场为:一方面来讲,过度依赖communication technology确实会对social relationships造成消极影响;但另一方面来说,communication technology也从一定层面上促进了social relationships.


从结构上来说,可以采取4段式的写法。此处,老师给出主体段的sample answer,供同学们参考。

On the one hand, overreliance on digital communication erodes the quality of face-to-face interactions. Smartphones and social media encourage superficial engagement: people often prioritise broadcasting curated versions of their lives online over meaningful in-person conversations. For instance, family gatherings may be disrupted by constant notifications, with members engrossed in their screens rather than engaging with each other. This phenomenon, termed “phubbing” (phone snubbing), has been linked to feelings of neglect and resentment in relationships, as evidenced by a 2023 study published in the Journal of Social Psychology. Furthermore, younger generations raised in the digital age may lack essential social skills, such as interpreting tone or body language, which are vital for resolving conflicts and building trust.  


On the other hand, technology also strengthens relationships in ways previously unimaginable. Video calls enable families separated by migration or work to maintain emotional closeness, while messaging apps allow friends to share moments instantly across time zones. During the COVID-19 pandemic, platforms like Zoom became lifelines for isolated individuals, proving that technology can foster resilience in crises. Additionally, niche online communities—from mental health support groups to hobby-based forums—connect people who might otherwise remain socially marginalised.


Critically, the problem lies not in technology itself but in its misuse. Passive scrolling through social media or compulsively checking notifications undermines real-world connections, whereas intentional use—such as scheduling regular video calls with distant relatives or limiting screen time during meals—can enhance relationships. Education about digital literacy and mindful usage is key to mitigating negative effects.  






