Part1题目汇总 Part2 题目汇总 人物类: Describe a famous person you are interested in. Describe a popular person. Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place. Describe someone you know who often helps others. 物品类: Describe a book that you have read many times. Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about. Describe an invention. Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often. Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money. Describe a job that you think is interesting. Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy. Describe a sports program you like to watch. Describe a water sport you want to learn in the future. 事件类: Describe a game that you played in your childhood. Describe a car journey you had. Describe an important decision you made. Describe a speech experience that you had. Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future. Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information. Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood. Describe an occasion when you got lost. Describe a sport you enjoyed when you were young. 地点类: Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town. Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future. Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people. Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live. 老师点评
Part1: 9月首考的同学面临换题季,一定要稳住心态。针对必考题work or study/accommodations/hometown需要提前做好准备。Part1题目在准备时可以将话题结合在一起减轻备考压力,注意不要偏题,从自己的角度准备避免出现一些套话,控制在3句就好。同时可以提前准备一些常见单词的替换表达,比如问Do you like... 避免习惯性回答Yes, I like...No, I don’t like...可以考虑be keen to do = be keen on sth= be crazy about ... Part2: Part2审题要仔细,回答问题时要涵盖题目的问题,内容的侧重点可以多放在explain后面的问题,补充自己的答案。同时在组织语言时,学生容易忽略句子之间的连接,注意逻辑词的使用,使得回答更完整。大部分考生容易因为紧张而缺乏思路导致卡顿,或由于紧张而语速飞起,考官会重点看考生能否遵照考试指令完成问题,并且有条理有逻辑地回答问题。平时练习时可以严格按照考试时间,给自己1分钟的准备时间,接着计时2分钟训练。 考试建议
九月备考的考生们会面临换题的挑战。除了专注5-8月考题题库外,还可以关注社交媒体(如:微博、小红书)上考生的反馈,及时更新删减话题。备考期间准备题库时需要注意话题素材的串联,不要花费过多时间准备素材,另一方面素材准备过多也增加你记忆的难度。除素材积累外,口语考试最重要的还是“说”,流利度是最重要的。准备的素材一定要进行脱稿演绎。考生可以选择自己熟悉的方向进行答题,祝大家取得满意的成绩。 9月2日雅思听力回顾 场景话题: P1足球俱乐部/ P2 酒店培训/ P3 学生选课讨论/ P4 塑料材料的发展史 P1填空/ P2 选择+地图/ P3 选择/ P4 填空 老师点评 本次考试难度正常,本场考试填空题出现在P1、P4。P2部分出现了地图题。答案(仅供参考)如下: P1: 1.2.00 2.10 3.summer 4.online 5.coach 6.hotel 7.date 8.170 9.color 10.medal P2: 11. A He had to complete a report 12. B enthusiasm 13. C in the 20th century 14. B five years 15. C people working locally who go home at weekends 16. I 17. F 18. B 19. H 20. C P4: 31.flexible 32.film 33.gas 34.furniture 35.insulation 36.trays 37.friction 38.sales 39.stone 40.medical 本场考试整体难度适中,题型设置比较常规,Part2部分是本月第一场出现的地图题。P1考察的是填空题,也是常规的咨询场景,围绕场景词汇加数字考点展开。P2出现了地图题,主要考察考生的审图思路以及对常见的方位表达词汇的掌握。P4讲述了关于塑料材料的发展史,部分同学反应P4难度较高,考了一些不太常见的单词,比如trays。 本场考试主要加强选择和配对的题型组合,平时要加强练习。参考剑桥练习:剑17Test1 Section4; 剑12Test5Section1;剑11Test1Section2 备注:本场考试填空选择比例20:20。题型方面,P1 10道填空题是老题,考察的词汇也相对简单,还有包含数字的相关信息P2、P3都是选择题,平时也要加强该题型的练习,并对做题技巧进行及时的训练。P4考察笔记填空,学术性较强,平时要加强学术场景类的词汇积累。 考试建议
1. 场景方面:场景方面依然是主流场景(咨询、旅游生活场景、课程讨论、学科探讨和讲座),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在P1咨询,租房,求职 ,P2旅游,活动及公共场所设施介绍,P3课程讨论及论文写作,P4各类学科探讨和讲座。 2. 题型:本次考试题型设置常规。P1,P4填空为主;P2,P3单选/多选和配对为主。在接下来的备考中,选择题仍是重点。考生可选取剑桥真题着重训练,在此过程中要多总结考点以及积累同义替换。基础信息题部分强调对数字的听写练习,注意特殊发音现象。 3. 机经:如需参考机经,以2015-2022年机经为主。 9月2日雅思写作回顾
小作文:折线图 四种面包在2001-2005年间的价格变化。 大作文:Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 老师点评 1.本次考试 难度中等 2.整体分析: Task 1:线图 注意: 1、本次小作文难度较低,基础版动态图。 2、在进行动态图表描述的过程中,同学们需要充分抓住数据变化的上升、下降、最高点、最低点等关键特征进行描述,同时注意体现动态图语言表达的同义替换和句型运用等; 3、另外,在描述趋势变化的基础之上,同学们也不要忽略大小比较,还需要格外注意排序的问题。 重点表达:占比、上升、下降、到达最高点、到达最低点 3.Task 2 :社会类话题 题目翻译:有些人认为教育的目的是让个人做好对社会有用的准备。另一些人说,教育的目的是实现个人抱负。讨论这两种观点,并给出自己的观点。 从话题上来说,这属于教育类话题。这是一道屡见不鲜的旧题,很多同学在准备的时候或许已经看过这道题目了,由此可见,在备考中,同学们对于典型的、经典的考题还是需要有一定的熟悉。相对而言,教育类话题比较普遍,论证上可以考虑多运用举例; 从类型上来说,这篇考题属于观点类讨论题。在审题中,同学们需要注意两边需要分别讨论,万不可漏题; 从结构上来说,可以采取4段式的写法,分别对“有些人认为教育的目的是让个人做好对社会有用的准备。另一些人说,教育的目的是实现个人抱负。”进行探讨; 第二段:教育,在某种意义上来说,是推动社会经济和文化进步的桥梁 a bridge of making progress economically and culturally。那些拥有各种专长的人们往往能够带来前所未有的研究成果与积极影响Those with diverse expertise tend to bring unprecedented research results and positive impact。例如,医学院培养了大量从事病理研究、药品研发、外科手术等专业人员,致力于各大医院、门诊、研究院的工作The School of Medicine has trained a large number of professionals engaged in pathological research, drug research, surgery and so on, who committed themselves to the work in major hospitals, clinics and research institutes. Hence,the society would benefit from education aimed at preparing individuals to be useful to the world. 第三段:教育有利于个人实现梦想和愿望。换句话说,很多人需要通过教育提升能力改变命运。例如,没有法律家庭背景的年轻人期望从事这个领域,这在现实生活中是不可能实现的。但是如果在大学里选择法律专业,在教授的指导和自己的努力之下,通过考试可以让他走上一条与法律相关的道路。It is education which favors individuals to realize their dreams and aspirations. In other words, many people need to cultivate their ability to change their lives through education. For example, some young people without family backgrounds in law expect to pursue such a field, which is impossible in real life. But if choosing to major in law at university, under the guidance of professors and with their own endeavor, they can pass the exam and take a step on the road to the law. 第四段:表明自己的立场和态度:教育的根本目的,教导每个相对独立的个体获取知识以及培养实际的能力适应社会。The fundamental purpose of education is to teach each relatively independent individual to acquire knowledge and develop practical ability to adapt to society. 考试建议
1.小作文:表格等数据图仍然需要格外关注;流程图和地图也需要适当学习; 2.大作文:社会类考题仍然是关注的重点;其中科技和犯罪类话题需要多留意。 |