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时间: 2019-11-20 17:13 来源: 朗阁小编 作者: 朗阁君

随着留学趋势的增长,许多同学们都在为了留学而做着准备。然而一些同学面对GMAT考试的时候就遇到了一些问题,通过分析这些学生的问题发现存在一个共性的点,他们会忽略GMAT语法题目中至关重要的两个方面 “分析句子结构” 和 “理解句子意思”,而且这两个问题与基础好坏的是没有关系的,希望还在紧张备考的同学可以通过老师下面的讲解来检测一下自己是否也存在这样的问题。




  1. Contemporary cognitive scientists maintain that emotions, which are biological functions, evolved in the nervous system to help animals survive in hostile environments and procreate, and feelings are products of the conscious mind, reflecting the interpretation of emotions.

  A. procreate, and feelings are products of the conscious mind, reflecting

  B. procreate, and that feelings, as products of the conscious mind, reflecting

  C. procreate, and that feelings, which are products of the conscious mind, reflect

  D. to procreate, and feelings are products of the conscious mind, which reflect

  E. to procreate, and that feelings, which are products of the conscious mind, reflecting


  此外,很多同学认为“分析句子结构=找主谓宾” 错,这是一个很大的误区,其实包含了句子中各个部分的功能的判断,我们以这个题目为例↓↓↓

  Contemporary cognitive scientists maintain( that emotions, which are biological functions, evolved in the nervous system to help animals survive in hostile environments and procreate (生育), and feelings are products of the conscious mind, reflecting the interpretation of emotions.)

  A. procreate, and feelings are products of the conscious mind, reflecting

  B. procreate, and that feelings, as products of the conscious mind, reflecting

  C.procreate, and that feelings, which are products of the conscious mind, reflect

  D. to procreate, and feelings are products of the conscious mind, which reflect

  E. to procreate, and that feelings, which are products of the conscious mind, reflecting

  根据对句子结构的分析发现,我们需要着重关注的就是“maintain that”从句中的内容。根据选项中的特点可以看出,DCE中and后面有“that”而 AD没有,根据已经分析好的句子结构发现需要“that”这个词保证和前面的“maintain that”并列,所以很容易的排除AD选项;再根据下一个区别点末尾 reflect 这个词的形式。因为在第二个从句中需要一个动词做谓语,所以答案很明显是C选项






